Monday, October 21, 2013

Taiwan family trip

Went Taiwan from 13 Oct till 20 Oct with family. My sister planned the whole trip and I wrote it late... so I forgot a lot >< Just refer to her itinerary and memory from pictures... hope to record it before all fade.

10月13號: 接機,住西門町

On our way to shifen, we stop by Jingtong which got a lot of bamboo and railway there. Post a postcard too.

Shifen is an interesting place where we fly lanterns on railways. Then we go to see waterfall.

The lunch is superb! Seafood! Yummy~ After that we go Jiufen shopping. Tofofu dessert is the best there ^^

基隆夜市 is food everywhere! rambang mata @@

15號: lavender garden, 內灣

had our lunch while watch old movie
had lavender teatime
"the founders" of lavender garden

16號: 日月潭,九族文化村,住盧山溫泉

 This day I fall in love with owl... tradition guardian for one of the ethnic group. 

I feel excited to play 2 game listed below... For the roller coaster... It's 360 degree and leg is left hanging... Thrilling! Dance their traditional dance before leave. 

retrieved from

盧山溫泉 is another great experience... There's a public hot spring and the weather is cool~ I experienced going to cool pool after hot pool and vice versa... I enjoyed the spa too.  

17號: 清境農場,馬術表演,小瑞士花園,紙箱王,回台北

I love the beautiful scenery so......much! Feed lamb and watch the performance of horses too.


This time hot spring is in a room alone... control the temperature by my own too.


My sister and I are Jimmy's fans~ We like his books... although the park is small but we have fun walking around and take photo. 101 Tower... where my dad bought me an unforgettable cap.

20號:travel back after final shopping @ sogo