Friday, March 28, 2014

My First Fun Dive Trip

21 to 23 March 2014, Rebecca and I have our first diving trip to the Perhentian Island. The monsoon season is just over and my family was quite worry with my safety. Again, travel with another girl friend alone.
We took bus at Hentian Putra the night before at 10.30pm and there's a bad news from the ticket seller. We bought the ticket about 2 weeks ago and the man said he forgot to key in the system.... causing two extra passenger. Fortunately, we managed to be seated safely. Unfortunately, 2 other people (don't know who) sitting on floor, in a moving bus, for 8 hours! Terrible~ The bus was not stable and stop quite frequently. We reached there about 8am, which is about 3 hours later than our expectation.

21 March we reached Kuala Besut. After breakfast at mamak, we took speedboat to Perhentian Kecil. As expected, the beach is amazing... fine sand, blue and clear sea. We checked in Mohsin Chalet and met a friendly neighbor, Pi, coincidentally he is also from KL and we are going back on same date and time. 12.30pm after having our lunch, we head to Turtle Bay diver HQ, we were sent to another tutle bay dive centre near Mama chalet where all staff and equipment located. After a few months, we are going to gear up and dive again.

Our first dive location is Batu Layar. We bought a underwater camera with RM50 or 27 films. What I remember the most are the 3 big blue humphead fish, and also the feeling of seeing little fish everywhere after long time didn't dive. I have little knowledge about the name of underwater creatures but I like them, no matter they are rare or common. I'm really sorry to Rebecca as I unconsciously took many pictures and left only 9 film for her.

The next dive is D'Lagoon. At first we were following the dive master swimming on the sea bed full of sand. I wonder why because nothing much is seen as compared to corals area. Then the dive master pointed marbled snake eel and panda clownfish which only can be seen on sand. Well done, Alice! After that, we swam around the coral areas and we saw turtle!!!! Sorry Rebecca because no more film for turtle (T.T)

We went for dinner straight after we arrive Long Beach. We were super hungry and ate quite a lot. We went for tea with our neighbors (Pi, Firdaus, Ayib, Ari) at night, they are funny and friendly group of friends. The place are happening but we are too tired to join the campfire? (bonfire there)

The next day, my skin allergy began (T_T) Woke up with itchiness and realised a lot of red spot near my wrist and arm swollen. Haizz..... Early in the morning... 8 am went to dive again. First dive of the day is "The Pinnacles", quite a well known diving spot called temple of the sea. Unfortunately, it became the weirdest diving experience, as we go down 20 minutes and leave. There is 360 degree of blue.... nothing seen due to current and low visibility. Quite sad but still a special experience, first 18m depth for me as well.

Second dive of the day, T3 or Terumbu 3. I like this diving spot as we are surrounded by big rocks and variety of corals in different colours and shape. We saw blue-spotted fanta ray and banded feather star here.

Our last dive of this trip is Shark Point (there is a stone with shark fin shape). No shark is spotted but saw quite a lot of things such as crown-of-thorns starfish, clouded moray eel and titan triggerfish.

Most of the dives we saw angelfish, clownfish, parrotfish, groupers, butterflyfish, cushion sea star.

23 March, we just walk around Perhentian Kecil, eat and drink and eat. We saw Komodo dragon on our way to another side of the island. We were lucky because we did not go for any snorkeling trip or dive that day because keep raining and big waves.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2014 CNY Penang

After come back from Langkawi, the next day went for another trip with friends (3 &4 Feb)... first crazy thing I've done in horse year? But it's great trip!We first have our breakfast(?) at Bidor... duck noodles. Then we continue our trip to Penang. After we reach Penang, of course the first thing to do is food! After lunch, we still have to wait for the check in time... so we walk around and search for art piece... photo shooting... under super HOT sun.

Love lane~

Have to Q for this... unbelievable! (I didn't b'cos can't stand the heat. thanks my fren asking me to take)

After super hot walk, we went cooling down with cendol ice.... too many people and we have to stand by the road. We had laksa too.

Then we check in at Hotel An-Nur Ancasa Express, Georgetown. The price was reasonable for 3 bedroom apartment but experienced something horror (-.-)... luckily only one night. After we took bath and rest, we go out for food again~ we had char kuewteow and my favourite <3
my favourite~ fried oyster with egg

We then go Batu Feringghi and search for Hard Rock. Stop halfway for the beach and saw some playground on the sea(?).

 I bought a Hard Rock T-shirt and change it on the spot ^.^ Then go Hard Rock Cafe for the first time 

We walk in Hard Rock hotel and saw the beach.... There is sunset and the view is breathtaking!

 Well, then I have another first time moment.... parasailing!!!! for RM80 with guide. I was the last one... but flying that time is great... with the sunset clouds. There is strong wind and things look small below me as I fly around hanging... great experience ^^

That's me!!!

 At night, we went to the Straits Quay before dinner.

On the next day, we went to Kek Lok Si after breakfast. bo bi bo bi.

I really had a great trips and very thankful to my friends~ we are all Horse in the Year of Horse ^.^

Sunday, February 2, 2014

2014 CNY langkawi family trip

For the first time, family travel together on the first day of chinese new year. We travel from 31 Jan to 2 Feb by firefly(1st time too). It was a small plane so it's less stable while taking off and landing, however we get the best price for the busy day, snack and drinks and luggage included as well. We reach there in the evening, so we just have dinner and shop at Langkawi Parade for snack needed tomorrow.

We went to Langkawi and stay at Dayang Bay Serviced Apartment and Resort. It is hard to find because we couldn't get it in gps, luckily we managed to ask ppl and know that it just opposite simfoni hotel.The apartment look luxurious. The swimming pool is just next to the sea. The scenery was beautiful. However, the '2 bedroom apartment' is two bedrooms separated next to each other. One bigger room have living room, and kitchen on the balcony. My sis and I sleep on sofa bed.

 The next day we went island hopping... I had a bad experience of "waitinggggggggg" at the jetty...2 hours?!  for the tide to raise and the boat to come.
The first place we go is Pulau Beras Basah. Clean beach and we can see fish under the bridge to the jetty.

The next place we go is Eagle Feeding. The boatman throw some meat on the sea and the flying eagles will catch the floating food.

Then we go Tasik Dayang Bunting. I actually amazed by the size of the lake. It formed by the collapse of the great cave. I thought it was the sea for its size and depth... up to 14 m and very near to the sea.

After lunch, we go to Eagle square and shop at the shopping mall nearby.
The next day we went to langkawi cable car and underwater world... there are a lot of people and super hot!!! We had our lunch at the red tomato... yummy western food near Underwater world. At night, we have lunch at 強師傅restaurant and then shop for souvenirs before heading to the airport.
Q so long for cable car.... for this view

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kota Kinabalu City + Mount Kinabalu climbing

Mount climbing... to the top of Malaysia has been in my mind since a few years ago. About 5 years ago, I thought of going with a group of my close friends but there were always excuses. As I grow up, I have learned that I should do it while I can, or I might missed it forever. I really have to thank my University classmate, Bee Hui who invite me to the trip. RM 735 3 days 2 nights including food and accommodation. I also invited Jaycee so that we can train together.

12 Jan
We go there early because flight is cheaper and we can walk around the city. For the first time living in backpackers lodge, it is above expectation. I can consider being a backpacker next time instead of spending a lot on hotel. We went to traveller's light backpacker lodge, then went for our dinner. We asked the taxi driver about nearby recommended food. and we ended up going all places introduced. cun! The restaurant even print T shirt of itself!  The area is not too big as we were able to walk to the below destination:
The restaurant we had our economy rice. Well known for bread 
seaside... jetty nearby, clean sea

salted fish monger society
there are a group of male tailors near the market 
my dinner... no. 1. Then only know Tuaran is a place. tot of something else
tried the kuih. Not bad.

seafood@pasar. it's wow! cooked and waited to be reheat and eaten

The first day is fun. Just that the night come so early and we actually have nothing much to do at night. We chit chat at the lounge, watching despicable me 2 and had our free-flow self-made coffee and tea. 

13 Jan
The breakfast is included in the hotel but only bread. We had our lunch early and waited to transport to Kinabalu Park. Also bought Toto as my friend Jaycee seems to be very lucky recently.

It tooks about 2 hours from city to the park. We live at Grace Hostel... 3 bunk beds for 6 people. The food in Balsam Restaurant is buffet basis and it is good ^.^

laksa as lunch..
2nd round lunch
Our accomodation at Kinabalu Park. It's cool~ 

there's fire place in the hostel too! 

14 Jan 
Getting up early in the morning 6 something, check out, leave our luggage there (rm 10 per piece), register and get our tag, rent a trekking pole (RM10 each). About 8.30am start hiking.

selamat mendaki

our name tag

there are 6km to Laban Rata. I actually took a picture every 0.5km. On the way, I met Jaycee and we shared things in my bag as her bag with porter. Mutual relationship is that I provide food and drinks and she helps reduce my burden? hahaha. Along the way, the views is breathtaking, well the exercise and altitude itself is "breathtaking". Jaycee and I took 5 hours and reach at 1.30pm. We take a nap there and waiting for dinner served from 4.30pm to 7.30pm.

Carson fall we seen at the beginning of hike

I like this very much. 
It started to rain btw 3.5 to 4km

steep and wet
quite shocked because it's flat and steep but rough

Laban Rata

15 Jan
Wake up 2am, supper and get ready to conquer the peak. Yet, stopped by the gate. Wait for the gate to open till 3.00am, and walked down to Laban Rata again. Well, it's raining and the gate remaining closed because it's too dangerous as the water current is strong. Feel disappointed but nothing much can do. I must admit that's fate and safety comes first. Went back to sleep, and went down. It took us 3.5hours to reach Timpohon Gate. Although I felt disappointed for not reaching the peak. I am really proud of myself for being able to do it with a good time record. After all, it's my 1st time trying. There's still chances. 3 of my friends rushing for flight, while my Jaycee and I head to KK hotel.... personal bathroom! we took a nice bath then went to Little Italy for our dinner. It's quite famous there so we decided to have a try, perhaps a reward for ourselves. Thanks Jaycee for belanja! We had, pasta, pizza, soup, bread, tiramisu... as a conclusion... super full! After that, we went to Suria Sabah for shopping, each of us get 2 clothes, then we went to buy movie tickets, spent some time playing games in Leisure world. We watched Mandela, long walk to freedom. I was a good and inspiring movie. Really touched by his scarification and unconditional love to the people. Wanted to sing K but not enough time. Well, we still have energy to do so as the muscle pain effect comes later. hahaha

 16 Jan
 Afternoon flight back to KL.... spend our time on food hunting and buy souvenirs for friends.
fried durian
san yuk mian~

kuching laksa
Jaycee on stranger's boat

There was a boat nearby loading goods. It was very kind of them to allow my friend on board for photo taking.they also offer a boat ride but we refused. I somehow feel suspicious as it's not safe to do so in Malaysia? Overall, we fully utilised our time in KK and had a nice trip. Although there are disappointment and upset, there are also excitement and amusement. I'm glad that I had come and I will be back for more activities next time. Target for the peak of Mount Kinabalu,  Padas river White water rafting, Sipadan diving, Island hopping, see rafflesia and the Proboscis Monkey!