Sunday, September 22, 2013

Rock Climbing and Skytrex

This is actually the first time I organise some extreme thing and more than 10 of my family and friends joining. First we went to Shah Alam Extreme Park. Thanks to Groupon again, I bought 2 hour rock climbing from Hikers Climber Adventure.

There are Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7... which I also forgot  (-.-'') a few of them cannot be used. And I successfully challenged till Level 4. Actually I only reach the place as shown in the photo and couldn't reach the top. But the people down there keep pulling me and ask me go to the top. Maybe I should thank him? But my situation is... wanna go up but exhausted, cant go down because pulled. (T.T) Some of of friends managed to go even harder one and I salute!

Besides rock climbing, my sis and her son also playing archery. So I go and try. Not yellow... but got blue target.

After lunch, we go to Taman Botani Shah Alam for Skytrex Extreme Challenge. Chose the toughest but managed to finish it. First, we have to climb up high and do activities in between the trees reaching 22m height. We did a lot of flying fox there.

 Feel great to what I have achieved. To be honest, I skip a few of the challenges for example the picture below. I must admit my arm not that strong to hold, especially at in that height. 

Below is one of the toughest challenge as I have to remain balance and hold strongly to the rope to prevent falling. It swings every time I step, and the rope is quite far from each other.

Finally, I take group pictures with my sis family and friends. It's exhausting but I feel excitement, achievement and satisfaction. (^_^)

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